Friday, March 4, 2011

31 Days of Kindness...

I feel that life is a continuous journey to self discovery. I try and live my life by the notion that I can never learn too much, can never try too many things, and can never have enough positivity around me. I am always looking for new ways to improve my life and the lives of those around me.

Since moving to PA, I have made it a personal goal to start really living life to the fullest, and not be so afraid to try new things. I have become, in many ways, a "yes" woman. (For example, I am going to try roller derby on Sunday...I'll post details on how that goes)

In this quest, I have also made it my mission to really start living a more virtuous life. In the past, I have a history of doing some not-so-nice things. I am a scorpio to the core, and when my stinger comes out it can be painful to those around me. With growth, maturity, and the ability to swallow my pride, I have made it a mission to right these karmic wrongs, by adopting kindness not only as part of my lifestyle, but as part of my being.

This is not to say that I do not have my moments. Those of you who know me know that when I get mad, I get mad...and when someone cuts me off my finger goes up faster than you can blink. So, for the next 30 days, in addition to performing random acts of kindness, I also plan to drive like a nice person. We will see how that goes...

I was reading this blog recently: , and hundreds of people all over the World are making March the "month of kindness". The idea is, for the entire month of March, to do one nice thing each day. I like to think that I do one nice thing each day regardless of the month, but I have never thought about documenting them.

For the next month, I plan to write down my acts of kindess, and the impact that it has on me as a person. My hope is that this will inspire others to do the same, and allow me the opportunity to reflect on the positive impact that a purpose driven life can have.

So, for the 5-10 people who read this blog, please feel free to join me in this challenge. One small act of kindness can make the world of difference to someone who really needs it.

Here is a link to some simple ideas on how to spread kindness in your daily life:

Stay tuned to see my daily acts of kindess, and please post your own to the comments!


  1. Love this idea Erin. And by the way, you're writing is beautiful and inspiring to the core. I love being able to hear about your daily life even though your so far away.
    I plan to join you in this challenge!
    Love you,

  2. Aw, thanks Jill :-) You are someone who is kind every day anyways, but it will be fun to keep track and really be able to see what effects it might have! XOXO
