Wednesday, March 2, 2011

George, George, George

Oh, our dog George. The stories I can tell. He melted our hearts the first time we saw him playing with his brothers and sisters. From there on out, it was love...

Looking for a new addition to our little "family", we took him home. Thats when the fun really began! I could start a blog solely devoted to describing all of the adventures and funny/annoying/infuriating things that George has done. Each blog entry could have a title inspired by a Friends episode:

- The One Where George Eats the Floor Tiles

- The One Where George Eats the Mega Package of Paper Towels

- The One Where George Eats the Package of Flour

- The One Where George Eats the Sock

- The One Where George Eats the Glove

- The One Where George Eats the Box of Brownie Mix (and has to have his stomach pumped, where they discover a whole collection of toys, fabric remnants, and spare change)

- The One Where George Eats the Box of Bullets (Yeah, it really happened..)

The list goes on and on..and on...

We thought that we had finally found the answer to our problem when we enrolled George in doggie day care. Some people think its crazy, and, it might be...but for the price of doggie day care, we have saved countless household items from being devoured by our hungry (but lovable) pooch. We could drop him off during the day, let him expend all of his energy with other dogs, and pick him up as a nice, sleepy dog.

Well last week, the unthinkable happened...

George was expelled from Doggie Day Care. :-(

I wont get into the specifics, but basically our little Georgie boy got a bit too comfortable at his day care, and made some other dogs mad in the process. SO, for the past week, he has been At first we thought, okay, he has grown and matured, maybe he won't be destructive...


Day One: George ate a teddy bear. (I didn't even know we had a teddy bear in our house, and at first I freaked out because I thought he had snuck it in somehow..Where would he get a teddy bear?? Then I remembered that we did have one dressed as a Marine that I had gotten )

Day Two: George ate a HOLE in my BRAND NEW LIVING ROOM RUG!

Day Three: George is in the basement.

Needless to say, we are now researching new doggie day cares in the area.

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